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Analysis of the phone number
"(877) 430-2355"

Trust index

Very bad

Warning, only for experienced users!

Information about phone number
(877) 430-2355

First analysis date: 03/21/2023
Phone number type
Toll-free phone number
Local format
Phone number operator
United States
User reviews on Scamtel
(Average rating of 2 out of 1 Review)

1 Review / Comment

Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori

  • Judge Dredd 11/27/2023 at 02:33 AM


    Many internet users have reported issues with the phone number 1-877-430-2355, associated with Straight Talk customer service.

    One individual complained about being given the runaround, with constant disconnections and long hold times. They mentioned having difficulty resolving their phone problems and experienced rude behavior from the agents. The person also stated that their phone had not worked since the Verizon transition, despite being assured by agents that it would.

    Another customer reported losing their SIM card and being allowed to use an old one, only for their phone to be cut off later. They had to purchase another service plan but still did not have a working phone, causing them to lose their job and spend over $100.

    A different user mentioned that their phone number would not change over, while another complained about being talked down to by a customer service representative. The latter individual had difficulty porting their phone over to a different wireless service.

    In yet another instance, a customer accused Straight Talk of stealing their money.

    Overall, the common issues reported by users include poor customer service, unresolved phone problems, and difficulties related to the Verizon transition.


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