Analysis in progress...

Analysis of the phone number
"(405) 816-9384"

Trust index


Risk is extremely low!

Information about phone number
(405) 816-9384

First analysis date: 05/15/2023

1 Review / Comment

Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori

  • Kit 11/27/2023 at 02:33 AM


    Phone number is being used in a hiring scam for Gallium Technologies. They reach out to you via BambooHR and instruct you to immediately install Signal and reach out to Mrs. Vickie Bale to schedule an interview as soon as possible. I have researched this company thoroughly and have also found other hiring scams very similar as well. The emails for these scams all look very similar and offer pay rates much higher than the range listed on their job listing.


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